Herbs are some of the easiest, not to mention fragrant, plants
to grow. They are tolerant of poor soil conditions, and reward
you with all kinds of sensual surprises, from intense scents
to exotic flavors.
Easy Tips:
Popular herbs include chives and garlic chives, marjoram,
oregano, rosemary, sage, tarragon and thyme. Herbs go far
beyond parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme to include strange
and beautiful plants such as artemesias, blue cohosh and black
Interplant herbs among flowers and vegetable. They also de
well in containers.
Keep in mind the ultimate size of the plant when planting
herbs in the garden. For instance, mature rosemary will get
big. Tarragon and oregano will spread up to 2 feet wide. Mint
is very aggressive and spreads like wildfire, is best to plant
in container.